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Interpreted as:

title:(Towards AND Python-based AND Domain-specific AND Languages AND for AND Self-reconfigurable AND Modular AND Robotics AND Research)

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1 Preprint article

Towards Python-based Domain-specific Languages for Self-reconfigurable Modular Robotics Research

This paper explores the role of operating system and high-level languages in the development of software and domain-specific languages (DSLs) for self-reconfigurable robotics. We review some of the current trends in self-reconfigurable robotics and describe the development of a software system

Year: 2013

Language: Undetermined

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2 Conference paper

Towards Python-based Domain-specific Languages for Self-reconfigurable Modular Robotics Research

This paper explores the role of operating system and high-level languages in the development of software and domain-specific languages (DSLs) for self-reconfigurable robotics. We review some of the current trends in selfreconfigurable robotics and describe the development of a software system

Year: 2011

Language: English

gbhnaip o dmljef ck

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