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Journal article

Metastability at Defective Metal Oxide Interfaces and Nanoconfined Structures


Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark1

Functional Oxides, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark2

Atomic Scale Materials Modelling, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark3

Most of the paradigms in materials science and technology firmly rely on equilibrium materials, i.e., phases with the lowest Gibbs energy under thermodynamic conditions. In nature, however, complexity rules, and the other aspect is metastability. This review aims to provide a coherent description of such effects and to formulate hypotheses on the fundamental energetic mechanisms of residual metastability in crystalline metal oxide polymorphs.

The authors especially focus on different forms of broken symmetry at the interface, e.g., induced by defects, lattice strain/stress, and elemental diffusion. The discussion also provides perspective on the technological implications and possibilities arising from identifying a general methodology for establishing metastability in polymorphic functional metal oxides for energy applications, catalysis, and electronics.

Language: English
Year: 2020
ISSN: 21967350
Types: Journal article
DOI: 10.1002/admi.201902090
ORCIDs: Esposito, Vincenzo and Castelli, Ivano Eligio

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