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Conference paper

How to measure separation and angles between inter-molecular fluorescent markers


Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark1

Stochastic Systems and Signals, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark2

Structure and function of an individual biomolecule can be explored with minimum two fluorescent markers of different colors. Since the light of such markers can be spec- trally separated and imaged simultaneously, the markers can be colocalized. Here, we describe the method used for such two-color colocalization microscopy.

Then we extend it to fluorescent markers with fixed orientations and in intramolecular proximity. Our benchmarking of this extension produced two extra results: (a) we established short double-labeled DNA molecules as probes of 3D orientation of anything to which one can attach them firmly; (b) we established how to map with super-resolution between color-separated channels, which should be useful for all dual-color colocalization mea- surements with either fixed or freely rotating fluorescent molecules.

Throughout, we use only simple means: from each color-separated microscope image in a time-lapse movie, we simultaneously determine both the relative (x,y)-separation of the fluorophores and their individual orientations in space, both with accuracy and preci- sion. The relative positions and orientations of two domains of the same molecule are thus time-resolved.

Using short double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) molecules internally labeled with two fixed fluorophores, we (i) demonstrate the accuracy and precision of our localization- and mapping-methods, using the known structure of dsDNA as benchmark; (ii) resolve 10 base pair differences in fluorophore separations; (iii) determine the unique 3D orientation of each DNA molecule.

Language: English
Year: 2017
Proceedings: APS March Meeting 2017
Types: Conference paper
ORCIDs: Flyvbjerg, Henrik

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