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Conference paper

Consumption, lifestyles and constellatoric strategies

In Nytekning Omkring Effektiv Energibruk Og Bærekraftig Forbruk I Husholdninger — 1996, pp. 30-34

Department of Technology and Social Sciences, Technical University of Denmark1

The condtribution reveals a contradiction between complexity and operationality in the discussions about energy consumption between social researchers and policy makers. By mean of two examples from his own research the author argues for a transgression of the narrow ecology-centred view. The first example has to do with consumption as it relates to the general change in modern lifestyle.

The second example derives its points from a empiric project about the lifestyles and experiences of "green families". The contribution concludes with a proposal for interdisciplinary constructions of "constellatoric strategies"; coordinated interplays between different coordinated efforts which creates synergy effects.

Language: English
Publisher: Norges forskningsråd
Year: 1996
Pages: 30-34
Proceedings: Nytenkning omkring effektiv energibruk og bærekraftig forbruk i husholdninger - mod en helhetslig teori og kreative tiltak
Types: Conference paper

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