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Conference paper

On the Symbolic Verification of Timed Systems

In On the Symbolic Verification of Timed Systems — 1999

Technical University of Denmark1

Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark2

This paper describes how to analyze a timed system symbolically. That is, given a symbolic representation of a set of (timed) states (as an expression), we describe how to determine an expression that represents the set of states that can be reached either by firing a discrete transition or by advancing time.

These operations are used to determine the set of reachable states symbolically. We also show how to symbolically determine the set of states that can reach a given set of states (i.e., a backwards step), thus making it possible to verify TCTL-formulae symbolically. The analysis is fully symbolic in the sense that both the discrete and the continuous part of the state space are represented symbolically.

Furthermore, both the synchronous and asynchronous concurrent composition of timed systems can be performed symbolically. The symbolic representations are given as formulae expressed in a simple first-order logic over difference constraints containing only the Boolean operators and existential quantification.

Together with a recently developed data structure for efficient manipulations of the logic, the symbolic representation provides the potential of drastically increasing the size of ti

Language: English
Year: 1999
Proceedings: Computer Aided Verification (CAV)
Types: Conference paper

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