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Interpreted as:

journal:(ACS AND chemical AND biology) AND title:(Encapsulating AND bacteria AND in AND agarose AND microparticles AND using AND microfluidics AND for AND high-throughput AND cell AND analysis AND and AND isolation.)

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1 Journal article

Encapsulating bacteria in agarose microparticles using microfluidics for high-throughput cell analysis and isolation

The high-throughput analysis and isolation of bacterial cells encapsulated in agarose microparticles using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is described. Flow-focusing microfluidic systems were used to create monodisperse microparticles that were ∼30 μm in diameter. The dimensions

Year: 2011

Language: English

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2 Journal article

Encapsulating Bacteria in Agarose Microparticles Using Microfluidics for High-Throughput Cell Analysis and Isolation

The high-throughput analysis and isolation of bacterial cells encapsulated in agarose microparticles using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is described. Flow-focusing microfluidic systems were used to create monodisperse microparticles that were ∼30 μm in diameter. The dimensions

Year: 2011

Language: English

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