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Interpreted as:

journal:(Journal AND of AND analytical AND atomic AND spectrometry) AND title:(X-ray AND fluorescence AND spectrometry)

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1 Journal article

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers papers published over the period 1998–1999 that are judged to have made a significant contribution to this branch of the analytical sciences. The review is both comprehensive in scope and selective in the choice of contributions included

Year: 1999

Language: Undetermined

enbailf odm cgphk j
2 Journal article

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 1999–2000 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis software, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications as assessed from

Year: 2000

Language: Undetermined

lgn bciaoj hfkepdm
3 Journal article

Atomic Spectrometry Update. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2000–2001 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis software, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications as assessed from the published

Year: 2001

Language: Undetermined

bhdcokjpf mnl gie a
4 Journal article

Atomic spectrometry update. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

Year: 2003

Language: Undetermined

na lfmkojipb c ghed
5 Journal article

Atomic spectrometry update. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2001–2002 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis software, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF and portable XRF as assessed from the published literature. The review

Year: 2002

Language: Undetermined

npckidjh bfolgm ae
6 Journal article

Atomic spectrometry update. X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2004–2005 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis procedures, X-ray optics and microfluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications, as assessed from

Year: 2005

Language: Undetermined

n fdj mpeaklgiboc h
7 Journal article

Atomic spectrometry update. X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry

Year: 2009

Language: Undetermined

jaemphgi cofdlkb n
8 Journal article

Atomic spectrometry update. X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

This annual review of X-ray fluorescence covers developments over the period 2006–2007 in instrumentation and detectors, matrix correction and spectrum analysis procedures, X-ray optics and micro-fluorescence, synchrotron XRF, TXRF, portable XRF and on-line applications as assessed from

Year: 2007

Language: Undetermined

idepf cgohjna mbkl
9 Journal article

Atomic Spectrometry Update—Atomic Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

Strong developments continue in most areas of atomic spectrometry and this review year has seen the introduction of new instrumentation and methodologies, refinements and improvements of established procedures and applications to new fields of study. The large number of papers published on ICP-MS

Year: 1994

Language: Undetermined

h bo kcplgiefnmadj
10 Journal article

Atomic Spectrometry Update—Atomic Mass Spectrometry and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

The large number of papers covered in this year's review emphasizes the strong developments which continue in atomic mass and X-ray fluorescence spectrometries. Although much of the effort is aimed at improving existing technology and methodology, new and innovative instrumentation is also being

Year: 1995

Language: Undetermined

i pe hkolcjfabnmgd

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