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Journal article

Flow Synthesis of Silver Nanowires for Semitransparent Solar Cell Electrodes: A Life Cycle Perspective


Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark1

Functional organic materials, Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark2

Silver nanowires (AgNWs) were prepared on a 5g scale using either the well-known batch synthesis following the polyol method or a new flow synthesis method. The AgNWs were employed as semitransparent electrode materials in organic photovoltaics and compared to traditional printed silver electrodes based on micron sized silver flakes using life cycle analysis and environmental impact analysis methods.

The life cycle analysis of AgNWs confirms that they provide an avenue to low-impact semitransparent electrodes. We find that the benefit of AgNWs in terms of embodied energy is less pronounced than generally assumed but that the toxicological and environmental benefits are significant.

Language: English
Year: 2016
Pages: 893-899
ISSN: 1864564x and 18645631
Types: Journal article
DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201501437
ORCIDs: Søndergaard, Roar R. , Jørgensen, Mikkel and Krebs, Frederik C

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